Published: 23rd Sep, 2015

IMPORTANT ECO NEWS!   Starting this week we have our Walk to School activities, come along and get involved.  24 September : Walk to School Day (This Thursday)  1 October : Dr Bike 10.00-12.30 (Some Y6 children) 7,8,9 October Cycle Training Days  23rd October Walk to School Day 27th November Walk to School Day   For the walk to school days every child/parent who walks to school receives a raffle ticket (different colours for parents and children).  So if you walk to school all 3 times your name goes into the raffle 3 times thus you have 3 times more chance of winning.  Michele Murphy our Sustrans Schools Officer has given us some prizes for the children and provided a £50 Brunswick Moviebowl voucher for the parents. We will do the draw before Christmas.  Watch this space and GET WALKING!!!!! Parents/Guardians your support is greatly appreciated! Mrs Darmody & The ECO Committee

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