Chairperson of the Board of Governors: Mrs K McCallion
Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Governors: Mrs DMcLaughlin
Trustee: Fr I Saniuta
EA: Dr H Shiels
EA: Mr R Harkin
Teacher Governor: Mrs A Canning
Parent Governor: Mr P Devlin
Secretary: Mrs G O’Connor
Duties of the Board of Governors
Governors are responsible for:
- Appointment and Promotion of Teachers and the Appointment of other Staff
- School Development Plans
- Admission of Pupils to School
- Determination of Curriculum Policy
- Pupil Discipline
- Pupil Suspension and Expulsion
- The preparation of a report in respect of the previous school year, containing a summary of the steps taken by the Board of Governors in the discharge of its functions
- Liaisons with the Inspectorate regarding School Inspections
- Management of LMS Funds
- Management of School Premises.
The Board of Governors assists the Principal in such a manner as is reasonably necessary to enable her to control the internal organisation, management and discipline of the school subject to such directions as may, from time to time, be given by the Board and provides the Principal with such opportunity as may be necessary to enable her to express her opinions and to make recommendations to the Board of Governors on all matters connected within the school.