Learning at Home

Detailed below are the systems used in school which can be accessed at home. These may also be used in the event of a school closure.


The username will be in the format first name initial, surname, then 3 numbers e.g jbloggs123.
The password will be in the format season with a capital letter, 2 digit year e.g Winter23

Dear Parents,

Detailed below are the systems used in school which can be accessed at home. These may also be used in the event of a school closure.

If you are having any queries or issues accessing remote learning, click here to email mgallagher555@c2ken.net for help

Years 1 and 2

Year 1 and 2 teachers will use the Seesaw app to push out details regarding learning activities for children.

Home - Seesaw | Elementary Learning Experience Platform
Learning Experiences That Transform Instruction The Only Elementary Learning Experience Platform that Supports Joyful and Inclusive Instruction Seesaw offers a suite of award-winning tools, resources, and curriculum with interactive lessons, digital portfolios, and two-way communication features tha…

The Jolly Learning website is available for guidance


The following apps are used in the Year 1 classrooms.

Free Version: Link

Paid Version (Used in school) : Link


Year 3

  • Children in Year 3 have access to the Mathletics system Reading Eggs System.
    1. Logon details have been sent home for all Year 3 children.
    2. To access the system please go to the school website https://sso.readingeggs.com/login/.
    3. A short video tutorial from our ICT Department Co-ordinator Mrs R Doherty on how to login is available on this page.
Mathletics United Kingdom | Empowering Maths Learning Online
Mathletics is the award-winning companion tool for educators to help students learn maths. Engaging, fun, and aligned to the curricula across the UK.

Year 4

  • Year 4 teachers will use the OFFICE365 Teams app to push out details regarding learning activities for children.
  • Learning packs containing printed learning resources will be available from the school for all Years 4 children from 12.30 – 1.00pm.
  • Children in Year 4 have access to the Mathletics system for their Numeracy activities.
  • Children in Year 4 have access to the Accelerated Reading system for their Reading activities. We would ask that parents ensure their children continue reading and taking their AR tests.
  • Logon details have been sent home for all Year 4 children.
    1. To access the system please go to the school website www.stjohnspsderry.co.uk.
    2. Click on the Parents tab and select Learning At Home.
    3. OFFICE 365 Teams is available from the OFFICE365 link on the pupil MySchool main page.
    4. Here you will find a short video tutorial from our ICT Department Co-ordinator Mrs R Doherty.

Years 5, 6 and 7

  • Year 5, 6 and 7 teachers will use the ‘OFFICE365 Teams’ app to push out details regarding learning activities for children, set assignments and provide access to teacher presentations and spellings.
  • Learning packs will be available from the school for all Years 5, 6 and 7 children. These packs will be available from the school for all Year 5, 6 & 7 children from 1.45 – 2.45pm.
  • Children in Year 5, 6 and 7 have access to the ‘Mathletics’ system for their Numeracy activities.
  • They will also have access to the ‘Accelerated Reading’ system for their reading activities.
    1. We would ask parents to ensure that their children continue reading and taking their Accelerated Reader tests.
    2. Logon details have been sent home for all Years 5, 6 and 7 children.
  • Children in Year 5, 6 and 7 who use ‘LEXIA’ will have access to this system.
    1. To access all the systems detailed above please go to the school website www.stjohnspsderry.co.uk.
    2. Click on the Parents tab and select Learning at Home.
    3. ‘OFFICE 365 Teams’ is available from the OFFICE365 link on the pupil My SCHOOL main page.
    4. Here you will find a short video tutorial from our ICT Department Co-ordinator Mrs R Doherty.

Additional Notes
All school systems for remote learning are available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week with the exception of the Accelerated Reading (AR) system. The AR system is available between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday only.

Click here for example timetables for home learning activities for children.

  • Foundation Stage (Y1 & Y2) & Key Stage 1 (Y3 & Y4)
  • Key Stage 2 (Y5, 6 & 7)

Click here for a table of thematic, educational resources available online that are free for use by parents and children.

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