Dear Parent / Guardian,
As part of the process of introducing the Year 8 pupils to St Columb’s College, the College is inviting the 2018 intake to visit the school on the morning of Friday 8th June 2018. During this time the boys will take part in MidYIS testing, which will help to inform the school on how to meet pupils’ learning needs. Pupils should report to the school for 9:15am. Parents/pupils should make their own arrangements to travel to and from St Columb’s on this day. All pupils must be picked up at 11:45am. Any Primary 7 pupils who are unable to attend this familiarisation morning will have the chance to get to see around the school during the Year 8 Summer Scheme (Monday 2nd, Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th July).
Yours faithfully,
Mrs G O’Connor