Well done KS1 pupils of the week. Published: 3rd Feb, 2019 We are so proud of you. #starsinschool #aimhigh Stars of the WeekArchive 21 - 22 7A - Mrs R DohertyArchive 21 - 22 7B - Mr N CarlinArchive 21 - 22 7C - Mr N McCourtArchive 23 - 24 7A - Mr N McCourtArchive 23 - 24 7B - Mr N CarlinArchive 23 - 24 7C - Miss L BonnerArchive 23-24 7A - Mr S MullanArchive 23-24 7B - Ms L BonnerArchive 23-24 7C - Mr N Carlin7A - Mr S Mullan7B - Miss L Bonner Prev article February 2019 Next article Thank you P3 for closing our Catholic Schools Week celebrations. #servingGod Share Tweet Send 0 Comments Loading...