Dear Parents/Carers
It is with great pleasure I write to advise you that the children are now well settled back into the daily routines of school life. It is so heart warming to see the beautiful smiles every morning and once again hear the children’s voices ring throughout our school.
This week our Curriculum Team met confidently to further plan for the progression and continuity of learning for all of our children. Over the next few weeks, we intend to assess the children and create plans to support their learning journey.
We will also analyse the responses from our online Remote Learning questionnaire and seek the views of children and staff on learning and wellbeing. Once analysed this information will be shared with you. On behalf of the governors and staff I thank you for your patience, good will and engagement as we work together to achieve the best for our St John’s family.
Thank you
Geraldine O’Connor
Welcome back message
Published: 10th Sep, 2020