Trocaire Gifts of Change

Published: 19th Dec, 2024

Thank you to all the families of our children in 5B who very kindly bought their teacher Gifts of Change from Trocaire for Christmas. The children learned about the impact the various gifts could have on the lives of children around the world. Working within the budget they had from the money donated, the children then decided to give their teacher the gift of a solar lamp, the gift of a school kit, the gift of school lunches, the gift of play for healing, the gift of a cute, cuddly chick and ,of course, the gift of soap. By sharing out the money raised they felt that they were able to help more people around the world.

We really appreciate your generosity in helping the children to understand and appreciate the importance of helping others at Christmas time. We wish you all a Happy Christmas because there can be no doubt that this lovely bunch of caring children will be on the NICE list.

Happy Christmas

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