School Restart

Published: 24th Aug, 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

We have been very busy preparing our school for the safe arrival of the children Y2 - Y7 on Tuesday 25th August 2020. Here are a few points to help everyone find their way:-

  1. Arrive through the playground gates opposite Rathmor. Senior Staff will be on hand, in hi-vis jackets, to offer support. Christine will be there with her winning smile to start our new school year.
  2. There will be coloured signs, on the playground, to indicate entry doors for each year group:- Year 2 - Red , Year 3 - Blue, Year 4 – Yellow, Year 5 – Orange, Year 6 - Purple & Year 7 – Green.
  3. A strict one way system will be in place. The exit for everyone is at the main gates opposite Bligh’s Lane Nursery School. At home-time, teachers will accompany the children in Year 5, 6 & 7 to the gates where they can be collected by parents. Year 3 & 4 children with their parents/carers will exit using the steps, on the playground closest to Bligh's Lane as will the Y5 children. Year 2, 6 & 7 will exit by walking around the school building, past the outside playground at Year 1 and the canteen, leading to the main gates opposite Bligh's Lane Nursery. Year 2, 3 & 4 parents may come on site to collect their children. These children will be lined up on the playground.
  4. The list of new class teachers is available on the school website.
  5. To protect our children and staff it is essential that you maintain a social distance of 2 metres at all times. You should also enter and exit the school premises as quickly as possible following the one way system only.
  6. Any essential contact with teachers should be made by phone call through the front office.

We trust that these procedures will run as smoothly as possible. We appreciate your ongoing patience and support with our ‘Re-Start’ plans.

Yours sincerely,

Geraldine O’Connor

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