Dear Parents
Whilst we do not anticipate school closure at this time, the aim of our Remote Learning Day is to ensure that we are ready to go live on-line if we are closed at short notice. We did this last year on December 4th 2020. This subsequently enabled us to go live on 5th January 2021. In preparation for our Remote Learning Day tomorrow Friday 10thDecember, we have a few points for you to note whilst the children will be accessing their learning from home.
- Please direct your children towards the school website – go to / Parents Tab/ Learning At Home Tab/ open this link
- On this page you will find the links to all our online systems – Accelerated reader/Mathletics/Mathseeds, Reading Eggs/Eggspress
- Year 1- 4 will receive all their work through SEESAW
- Year 5, 6 and 7 will be attending live lessons on TEAMS with their class teacher - A video for the Year 5, 6 and 7 regarding access to TEAMS from home is available from the school website link above
- Children should be available online from 9.15am - the class teacher will welcome every child to the online environment, provide instructions for the work to be completed and take children through the various files and resources
- A second live meeting will take place at 1.30pm, teachers will schedule this meeting once the first meeting has taken place. This is a pastoral check-in – how did you all get on? What do we need to look at Monday when we return to school in terms of devices, wifi and accessibility to resources online.
Our school device loan policy is currently open and if you require any device or technical assistance please get in touch with the school to speak with our ICT Technician Mark.
Thank you for your continued support in this regard.
Kind regards
Geraldine O’Connor