Homework is given on a regular basis. The main purpose of homework is to:
- Extend school work and thereby consolidate and reinforce learning
- Provide an opportunity for parents to support the child’s learning
- Inform parents about the child’s work and ability
- Give parents an awareness of the work being done in school
- Encourage the child to develop self-discipline and good study skills
- Give the child the opportunity to achieve his/her full potential.
Homework is given within the child’s capability and is related to work being covered in school. In order to support the child with their homework we recommend that:
- The child has a quiet place in which to concentrate
- Homework tasks are completed early in the evening
- Parents are involved in and help with reading and learning new vocabulary
- The child receives help with learning tables, spellings and number facts
- Good organisational skills and tidy presentation are promoted.
Homework can be marked by the teacher/LSA while other pieces will be assessed by the child/peer under the guidance of the teacher as part of the assessment for learning process.