Good news for the sea.......The ECO Committee secured a reusable water bottle for every child in our school today. It has all been worth the wait. The single-use plastic bottle survey in September kick started the entire process and from there they emailed Anna in NI water in September and organized for our tap water to be tested. All is good to go!! We have pledged to become a refill school so that means we are going to try our best to stop using single use plastic bottles in lunch boxes and on our desks. All pupils can fill their water bottles at the sink in their classroom or bring them home to fill them with water. Bottles will be given out on Thursday. Here are some of the links used in their research.

Plastic Bottle Oceans - HeadStuff
1500 plastic water bottles are used every second in the United States alone (1). That doesn’t include other drinks, cosmetics, detergents etc. In Ireland we drink more than our fair share of bottled water and just imagine what the worldwide figure fo

A running list of action on plastic pollution
The world is waking up to a crisis of ocean plastic—and we’re tracking the developments and solutions as they happen.

CORONA and PARLEY to end sea plastic pollution - Irish Tech News
By Oscar Michel, Masters in Journalism, DCU